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Three days? What have happened?

I've been really sick and I'm still not doing anything near the fine line! I have a horrible cold and it won't budge, I just want to sleep and I can't do that either! Everytime I lay down I have to cough and blow my nose! :( I was happy I had the time to play some today, but after an solid hour of nice gameplay, I had no energy continue! I have been to the fleamarket as well and I guess I lost some energy there! I found two blancets to my bunny Buffy I also found 4 videos games and a book! The book is about uneccessary facts about stuff (things I like). One of the games seems really intresting it's about a demolition company (that's actually the name of the game too). You have to demolish buildings with evertything from c4 to vehicles and the best part is the physics engine seems really fun! (I'm a sucker for physics engines, I love euphoria (it's the one gta4 and 5 uses)it' even has the human aspect of it) If you fall you might protect your skull and if you hit your head you might get unconcious! :) I made a clip today and it's not Mad max :/ sorry bout that! It's Metal gear solid 5: phantom pain and there is no commentary becaus I'm having a hard time speaking! :) The clip in the begging of the video was made on 11'th try :/

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